2022 Registration
Please register using the button below. Please note that there is no charge for the cabins only for meals. You will be responsible for figuring out your own transportation to Wrangell, Petersburg, or Prince of Wales, but we can help with boat transportation from these areas as you will see in the registration below.
*A note on Cabins: There is limited cabin space, if you'd like to bring a tent instead please let us know at registration time. All this depends on the amount of people registered this year. You will receive your cabin assignment at the time of registration (3-5 pm on Friday) at campmeeting. Thank you for your understanding!
If you have any trouble registering or have questions:
April Eilertsen
907-874-2242 or 907-470-3148
April Eilertsen
907-874-2242 or 907-470-3148
Online Payment for Campmeeting meals+
Southeast Campmeeting Meals Paypal accepts credits such as visa, etc.
+Note: If you are paying for multiple people you can change the quantity as needed. Thanks for paying online.
Weekend meals include: Dinner on Friday, three meals Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. Example: 1 person for a total 5 meals for the weekend will cost $40. Also, if you chose not to pay online please pay by check or cash at registration on Friday. |
Helpful Information* |
*Note- PDF required to open files