At this most recent communion, elder Marlin Benedict reminded the congregation that communion was a time of reflection and gratitude. It is a time to recall that the story does not end at the cross either. After this, the rest of the service proceeded as usual with, as mentioned above, footwashing, the bread, and the grape juice. A closing song was sung to remind everyone of the occasion's solemnity.
Many people skip church when they hear that there is going to be communion. There are a variety of reasons that we'd heard, "I'm uncomfortable with having someone wash my feet," or "I am not spiritual enough to take communion." The good news to all of that is this... That is the point! We aren't good enough or worthy by ourselves and communion reminds us who is. Jesus paid it all so that we could have a fresh start through Him. May we start this New Year afresh in Christ.
To learn more about what Seventh-day Adventist believe about communion see the video below.