Our theme this year was Jonah. The crew here put their heart into the acting and props. We had some fun improptu props such as a boat and this whale pictured here. We found this theme to speak us adults as we spent time our morning worship studying the story of Jonah. We hope you find some inspiration in the following VBS materials, too.
Lesson Inspiration
Schedule - 5 day VBS
Songs- 10 min
Prayer- 5 min Small Group- 10 min Craft- 15 min Games- 15 min Story Time- 15 min Q&A- 5 min Prizes/snacks as they leave Total: 1. 25 hours |
We shortened this year's VBS by 15 minutes because we had an adult program scheduled shortly after the VBS. The 15 minutes gave us some transition time to get the kids out and the adults in.

Day 1:
Jonah Runs from God- Jonah 1:1-10 Lesson point: God sees us where we are Day 2: Jonah Overboard- Jonah 1:11-17 Leson point: God is with us in the storm Day 3: Jonah in the Belly of the Whale-Jonah 2 Lesson point: God hears us Day 4: Jonah Goes to Nineveh- Jonah 3 Lesson point: God has a mission for us Day 5: Jonah's Dilemma- Jonah 4 Lesson point: God Loves us All |
<- We made scripts this year! Feel free to download, use, and improv from there.
Registration was done by the church members at the Bethel church. Covid restrictions meant that everyone had masks. The registration form was basic. The file is a microsoft document.
Theme Song: Over the Sea
We stuck with our three songs and the theme song this year. The kids in Bethel especially love songs with action. The theme songs was a perfect fit. Q&A/Prize bags
After story time each night the kids get to answer questions for a prize. This year we gave the kids a piece of paper that they redeemed for a prize bag at the door. This was quickest to get them out the door at the end. The prize bag had one larger item such a coloring book, puzzle, game, etc.
This year we did not get rained out like we had last year. Below is a list of games that the kids liked to play during the week.
1: Balloon pop game (here- look for Outdoor Balloon Pop) 2: Tag or Mosquito (variations here) 3: Box tag (Set up boxes made of string around an circle and give them a number. The person in the middle closes their eyes and counts while the others run to a box. Then the middle person calls out a number and those in that box are out. The game continues until one person is left or all are out.) |
Goodies/ Snacks
Because of Covid restrictions we kept snacks prepackaged and threw them in the goodie bags. The goodie bags had odds and ends, such as pens, small toys, buttons, and books.
We gave out this book as a special item on sabbath: God Said it- Old Testament Heroes- 4 We were fortunate to have school supplies donated by the Kennewick SDA Church and Arctic Mission Adventure. These we gave out separately in small back packs. |
Small Group Time
We added small group back into the rotation year. It is always a extra special time to get to know the kids personally.
We set it up for them to do the following: 1) Review the Memory Verse 2) Go over the daily theme 3) Activity Find the Difference/ Map to Tarshish Jonah Runs Away from the Lord Maze Jonah Coloring page Jonah Preaches in Nineveh Challenge Page Write Your name in Cuneiform 4) Pray
We had a mix of homemade and premade crafts this year. The key is to prepare more for the little kids than the big kids. This helps with pacing. We also try to help the kids tie the craft direct to that day's theme. Below is the crafts with links to ideas.
Day 1: Binoculars Day 2: Jonah Stickers Day 3: Slime Day 4:Jonah foam craft Day 5: Jonah in the Whale Cup |
Ta-Dah! A Jonah, Overboard DIY VBS
Don't forget that you can print and use any of our original materials for free.