Lesson Inspiration
Schedule- 5 day VBS
- Music – 15 min
- Arts and crafts-20-30 min
- Music- 5 min/Nature Nugget*
- Lesson- 30 min
- Snack- 5 min (as leaving)
*Nature Nugget was a short segment in which we shared about something God created on that day of creation, for example a lion on the day when we talked about animals.
Day #2: Creation Day 3- Plants/Land (Genesis 1:9-13)
Day #3: Creation Day 4- Moon & Stars (Genesis 1:14-18)
Day #4: Creation Day 5&6- Birds& Fish/ Animals & Man (Genesis 1:20-31)
Day #5: Creation Day 7- Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3)
We presented these straight from the bible text and explained what God created each day. After that we had the kids come up front and add a decoration for that. More that in decorations section below.

Theme song: This the day
As you can see here, this particular year all we had was a mandolin player and one person to help with singing. But it was still fun!
Tip: Make up hand motions for the kids to the theme song.
Goodie bags and snacks
We found out the first year how helpful having a goodie bag can be. One of things we like to do at the end of our time at night is to ask questions about the lesson and any kid that answers gets a prize. Well, as you can imagine we sometimes have more kids than prizes and giving goodies bags is one way everyone goes home with something. | The bags themselves aren't anything fancy, just paper bags sometimes decorated (in the picture we happened to have a fancy bag). We add in little things like pencils, erasers, small toys, and a kids reading activity. Snacks: For snacks this year we used fish shaped and bear shaped crackers. |
Day #2- We added land and plants to the backdrop, note we did have the kids who wanted to share their craft cottonball flowers for decoration add them to the background
Day #3- We added planets to the background
Day #4- We had several cut out animals for the kids to put up
Day #5- We had mini crosses that went up to represent the Sabbath
Ta-Dah! A DIY Creation Themed VBS!We hope this has inspired you to try your own version of a DIY Creation themed VBS. We had a lot fun and learned much about new things to try in other themes. Feel free to copy what you see here if you like and enjoy! |