This year's theme was once again inspired by reading with our church's Bible study group which focused on Genesis. Originally the plan had included a night for Moses and Joshua (to extend our story into the promise land), but quickly it became apparent that our stars this year would be Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. This year also marked another creative inspiration that we called OT News. Want more? Read below
Lesson Inspiration
Schedule- 5-6 day VBS
Songs- 10-15 min
Group time & Memory Verse- 5 min- 10 min
Craft- 15 min
(rotate for larger groups)
Activity-15 min
Lesson- 20 min
Q&A- 5 min
Snack time/Prize bag- 5 min
Total: 1. 5 hours

Emphasis: God leads His people to obedience
Genesis 22:1-19

Emphasis: God leads His people in determination
Genesis 27-28

Emphasis: God leads His people in faith
Genesis 37

Emphasis: God leads His people to listen to His voice
Genesis 39-40

Emphasis: God Leads His people to be strong
Genesis 41-50
Alternate scheduling option 1: Day 1: Abraham Day 2: Isaac Day 3: Jacob Day 4: Joseph Pt. 1 Sabbath School: Joseph Pt. 2 Church: Joseph Pt. 3 | Alternate scheduling option 2: Day 1: Abraham Day 2: Isaac Day 3: Jacob Sabbath School: Joseph Pt. 1 Day 4: Joseph Pt. 2 Day 5: Joseph Pt. 3 | We used alternate schedule 1 in Craig and Ketchikan where we didn't have six nights. At Bethel we used alternate schedule 2 as we had an extra night. This was because of our travel schedule. |
Small Group TimeSmall group time was a way to get the kids ready for the lesson of the day. We split them into 2- 3 groups with a leader to go over questions and also the memory verse in a smaller setting. It worked well. ![]()
Memory Verse![]() "Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior" Psalms 25:5a - NIV Tip: Post the memory verse in all areas so that readers can look at it in passing and also use it for memorizing the verse. | <- Scripts for all the lesson written by the VBS team Activity Time![]() During the activity/lesson time our story teller borrow resources from here: https://freesundayschoolcurriculum.weebly.com/old-testament-lessons.html We used lesson titles: Abram Travels, Isaac, Jacob Tricks Isaac, Joseph's Brothers Sell Him, Joseph Interprets dreams, and Joseph Forgives His Brothers. But you can also make up your own based on the story. Registration![]() This year we had some exciting stuff such as a key ring full of characters for each night. Each key ring has the theme for the night as well as where the nightly story it can be found in the Bible. See below. ![]()
![]() Theme song: Thy Word And we used On Fire for Him to fill in after our main lesson time. If you'd like to know more about this ministry click here: (OFFH) | On Fire for Him performed during the week: |
Day 1: Ball and Sheet How to: Using a ball and sheet have the kids toss a rubber ball back and forth to each other | Day 2: Isaac says How to: Similar to Simon says | Day 3: Determination Stones How to: Using rope build a course that the kids have to learn to jump from step to step | Day 4: Pick Joseph How to: Similar to duck, duck, goose Day 5: Jail Break How to: Kids line up at one end and someone calls jail break and they try to run for the other side without getting caught. If caught they help the jailer. Last person standing is it next time. Day 6: Relay Race How to: Create whatever team related relay you'd like. |

Goodie bags: Brown paper bags again. We decided on only putting in 3-4 items each especially at some of the locations where they had easier access to fun little items in their town.
Prize box: We used our prize box for both answering questions at the end of the night and memory verse memorizers. We had our highest number of participants this year for memorizing the memory verse.
Ta-Dah! A God Leads His People DIY VBS
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