We have been looking at surrender and most recently the Holy Spirit and how surrender to the Holy Spirit impacts our walk with Jesus! And what a wonderful blessing comes when the Holy Spirit is allowed to lead and direct our lives and our Church, and when it is expressed in our obedience to Him.
We have been reflecting on the story of Barnabas and Paul when they were sent out as missionaries. What great and miraculous power went with them as they were directed by the Holy Spirit. It was the Holy Spirit that hindered Paul from going again into Asia and led him to Europe. And the reason they had such great power; and miracles followed them everywhere they went, was because they were being led by the Holy Spirit. I am so thankful that this gift of the Holy Spirit was not just for the early church and these missionaries alone. No! We too can have this great blessing and be led step by step and see the same results in our ministry today!
The Holy Spirit has been called "the executive of the Holy Trinity." The Holy Spirit not only has power that is readily available to us, but He offers the Spirit of love for each other and a dark world that needs Jesus just as much as you and me. We may look around us and say, "why don't we see more of that love that not only loves those that love us, but loves just as passionately those that hate and abuse us?" This is what we saw in the early disciples - unwavering love for those that wanted them dead! And
why don't we see more of that kind of love? Why are we not blessed and led like these early missionaries? There can only be one answer. We have not honored the Holy Spirit as we should have done. I know these are not soft, sweet words, but can we say it's not true? Our cry should be:
"God forgive me that I have not honored the Holy Spirit as I should have done, that I have grieved Him, that I have allowed self and the flesh and my own will to work where the Holy Spirit should have been honored! May God forgive me that I have allowed self and flesh and the will actually to have the place that God wanted the Holy Spirit to have." Absolute Surrender page 48.
Friends we are weak and feeble, where God through our surrender to the Holy Spirit wants to give us love and power! That's what I want and pray for you and me. Will you pray this prayer with me?