In this simple passage we find two significant thoughts. First: salvation and us following Jesus and therefore living a holy life is an utter impossibility.
Second: what we can never accomplish on our own is completely possible if Jesus is living in us and through us.
And these are the two greatest lessons we can learn in our Christian life! For me it took many years and I still struggle with this simple truth, that in my walk with Jesus I can do nothing. That my salvation is a complete impossibility for me. And when I get this lesson right, which I do for periods of time. Then the second lesson seems to be just as big of a challenge. And that is that I must surrender every part of my life to Jesus and let Him truly come in and live. If we can learn these two lessons our walk with Jesus is one of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Every other aspect of our walk with Jesus falls into place.
Not only understanding, but truly accepting that we cannot live a righteous life in the self life; and that it only happens if we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with Jesus is the only way we will ever have the assurance of salvation and have the Fruits of the Spirit fill our lives. Anything short of complete surrender and allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us with Jesus is just a show. It is dry bones! It is a waste of effort and we are living out the the message to the Laodicean Church. "We are, and do not need a thing." Unfortunately we know the rest of the message to the Laodicean Church. "But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked." These two lessons in Luke 18:27 are vitally important for us to understand and apply in our lives.
Next week I want to look at why man cannot and then the next week we will look at God can. And I hope you will not just skim over these studies. Understanding these simple truths are crucial to our salvation and our lives being filled with Jesus!