Well, one of the many things that we know about our wonderful God is that He loves to communicate with us. He loves to let us know how much He loves us. And He wants nothing but the very best for each and everyone of us. You see, God has no selfishness, He keeps nothing to Himself. God’s very nature is to always be giving. Literally everything God does is for the good of His creation. It is because God is Love! Even though He is the God of the universe He keeps nothing for Himself, because He delights to pour out His love on us. His love is so great that He sent us His Son who He had spent eternity past with so He would not lose us! That thought makes me want to yell Hallelujah! My God is awesome! Don’t you feel that way?
One of the old church fathers said it this way, “We cannot better understand the Trinity than as a revelation of divine love — the Father, the Loving One, the Fountain of Love; the Son, the Beloved One, the Reservoir of Love, in whom the love was poured out; and the Spirit, the living love united both and then overflowed into this world. The Spirit of Pentecost, the Spirit of the Father, and the Spirit of the Son is love. And when the Holy Spirit comes to us and to other men, will He be less a Spirit of Love than He is in God? It cannot be; He cannot change His nature. The Spirit of God is Love, and the Fruit of the Spirit is Love.”
When we get even a glimpse of our wonderful, awesome God how can we not give Him our absolute surrender.
I love you!