Suppose I borrowed your car! When you loaned it to me, it was in great condition. You asked me to take good care of her. But, in my driving around Juneau I side-swiped a guard rail and cracked the windshield on top of trashing the tires and interior. By the time I got her back to you, she was in pretty bad shape!
Friend; you would say: "When I loaned you my car I asked you to take good care of her for me."
"What are you talking about?" I say! "Didn't I keep her for you? Here she is!"
You say, "But I didn't want you to just keep her in a general way, and you brought it back totally trashed. I expected you to personally take care of every part of it."
Friends, our God does not want to keep us in a general way where we just go our own way and then come back to Him trashed and broken. Where
He has to totally rebuild us to somehow get us into Heaven. That is the way it goes for many of us, and I praise Him that He doesn't just scrap us when we come back to Him trashed and beat up. Our loving God wants to live with us on every part of the trip, and keep us personally, on our walk with Jesus.
Another mis-conception is that God will keep us in spiritual things, but He cannot concern Himself with the temporal things in our life. If that were true we would be in big trouble! He knows that there is no way for us to keep ourselves in the spiritual or temporal parts of our life. But God says;
"My child, there is no work you are to do, and no business in which you are to engage, and not a cent which you are to spend, but I, your Father, will take that up into my keeping." Absolute Surrender p. 98
I am so thankful that the keeping of God includes everything!
We are also tempted to think that when we are going through a trial God keeps us, but in times of prosperity we don't need His keeping so much! Then others of us struggle with the opposite temptation, where we think in times of prosperity and ease we can hang on to God, but when the trials come as they always do, then our rebellious spirit wants to blame it on God and we get mad at a God who was willing to die for us.
I love this statement on page 99 of Absolute Surrender,
"Now, I bring you the message that in prosperity as in adversity, in the sunshine as in the dark, your God is ready to keep you all the time."
Aren't you thankful that we serve such a God?