We will start our study in Acts 13:1-4
"Now at the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. The two of them, sent on their way by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia and sailed from there to Cyprus."
In this story we find some wonderful direction as to what God has for us, and what God wants to do for us through the Holy Spirit. First: the Holy Spirit is our director of the work God has for us to do here on earth, and especially in our lives and in our church. Second: if we are going to have true success, and truly do the work of Jesus. We must be in a right relation to the Holy Spirit and daily give Him the place and honor that belongs to Him.
This is something we can and must do! Just like our relationship with the Father, and with Jesus our Savior; we must in our inner private life and worship, give the Holy Spirit complete and absolute surrender. Like our Father God and Jesus we must daily ask Him to come into our lives and have top billing! Let's take just a few moments to look at our text again and see what other direction we can find.
We see that God has His own plan for His Kingdom! Asia and Europe were His. He had conceived them; they were His, and He made them known to His servants in the early church. This is a lesson we must learn. It is our great Commander who organizes and instructs every campaign, and often we plan and move ahead of God the Holy Spirit when we should be waiting for His orders. It is our privilege to wait on God through the Holy Spirit to give us our orders! Our small part is to spend the time with our Lord every day, and every moment, so we don't miss His instructions.
In our text we saw the early church was worshipping God and fasting; then they herd the Holy Spirit directing them.
Some years ago in Wellington, South Africa, a Christian group under the direction of Andrew Murray opened a Mission Institute. It was a fine large building - at it's opening the principle said this,
"Last year we gathered here to lay the foundation-stone, and what was there to be seen? Nothing but rubbish, and stones, and bricks, and ruins of an old building that had been pulled down. There we laid the foundation-stone, and very few knew the building that was to rise. No one knew it perfectly in every detail except one man, the architect. In his mind it was all clear, and as the contractor and the mason and the carpenter came to their work they took their orders from him, and the humblest laborer had to be obedient to orders, and the structure rose, and this beautiful building has been completed. And just so," he added, "this building that we open today is but laying the foundation of a work of which only God knows what is to become."
Friends, God the Father has his plan clearly mapped out. It is our part to wait for His instruction. He will give us as much as we need at the time. As much as we need each day! Our part is to listen, and to faithfully carry out His commands when He gives the word through His Holy Spirit.