- Charlie
We recognize our complete lack of power to change our compulsive behavior. This is may be an eye opener for the one suffering. Folks around them already know that they are out of control. Usually an event triggers the decision to change our lives. Whatever the event, it is painful enough to cause us to seek help. We cannot escape the power of sin on our own. The good news is this pain opens the door for us to look for help beyond the realm of human power. We cannot change our desires because we have to have a change of heart. The Power that can change us is Jesus. When we accept the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins we can be reconciled to God. If we choose not to accept this gift then we feel guilty and want to hide from God. We do this by continuing our cycle of addiction. Christ desires to save all those who come to Him with a repentant heart. That is God’s will for our lives. He wants His family reunited.
- Charlie As I read this step one Sinners Need of Christ, it’s the key to recovery of anything. It is not possible for us , of ourselves, to escape from the power of sin. Our hearts are sinful, and we cannot change them. “Nothing clean can ever come form anything as unclean as human beings. Job 14:4
Our need for Christ is huge!! As I listen to the humming birds outside, I am reminded of the care God takes for all His creation. Our ONLY safety is reading God's Holy Word. Education, good manners, and willpower all have their place in helping us to do the right things. But they cannot change our hearts and make our lives pure. Only a new life from above, a power working inside us, can change us from being sinful to being holy. This first step is essential to moving forward. It is written of Christ, “The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people. John 1:14 We need to let go and let God to move forward on the journey of recovery. Next repentance... - Dena |
Steps to Christ Recovery Edition BlogCharlie