To Repent means to be sorry for sin and to turn away from it. We will not give up sin unless we see how sinful it is.
There will be no real change in our lives until we stop loving sin and decide to turn from it.
The bible does not teach that the sinner must repent before he can accept Christ's invitation. “Come to me , all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest." Matt 11:28
When I read about repentance I need to really seek the Lord. I feel the only way to come to true bible repentance is with the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Here is a example of what true repentance is not.
Judas Iscariot sold his Lord to those who planned to kill Him. Then he cried out. ”I have sinned by betraying an innocent man to death. " Matt 27:4
This confession was forced from his guilty heart by a terrible fear of punishment. He was afraid that he might have to suffer for what he had done,
But he felt no deep, heart -breaking sorrow for selling out the perfect Son of God.
When we truly want to repent of our sin, a real victory in the Lord's leading will follow. Its not about the sin, its about the sinner.
We need to truly seek our Lord Jesus, and draw close to him with every thought. He wants us to follow Him, but also wants us to have a loving relationship with Him. This is done as we seek to lay our sinful way at His feet.
My prayer is has we draw closer to our Lord's coming that we see our need for a savior.